By MasalaGuru

Honest review

Joaquin Phoenix delivers an intriguing portrayal as the French emperor in Ridley Scott's historical epic, depicting his ascent and downfall, making for an oddly captivating performance.

White Lightning
White Lightning

When Orson Welles, in his mid-20s, first visited the studio where he later filmed "Citizen Kane," he likened movies to the ultimate electric train set for a boy. Ridley Scott, renowned for colossal historical epics such as "Gladiator" and "Kingdom of Heaven," finds inspiration in Welles.

White Lightning
Orange Lightning

There is a lot to love in this bio-pic, but (there always seems to be one!) there is an underlying frustration at opportunities lost in all the glamour and eye candy. If Scott set out to create a hagiographic portrait of Napoleon, why is there no mention of the French general and ruler’s administrative reforms?